How to Draw a Realistic Nose in 6 Easy Steps
How to draw a nose step by step?
Nose drawing is the most important element of portraiture to master. To help you deal with your nose, our artists have developed these six steps to show you how easy it is!
You may not realize that your nose is actually a combination of simple geometric shapes that assemble in different ways to create a unique feature. When you're done, adding shadows with pencils will give it a three-dimensional look.
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How To Draw A Nose
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Step 1. Draw a circle and two vertical lines
Our noses are symmetrical and the same on both sides. To create a nose sketch, we'll start by building the shape of the nose and keeping it symmetrical, using simple shapes as guides. To maintain this symmetry, we start with a circle.
For the bridge of the nose, I added a pair of symmetrical lines perpendicular to the sides of the circle, the length of the lines is about the diameter of 2 circles. You can extend two short lines outward at the top of the lines. Keep the strokes light so you can erase them in later steps.

Step 2. Draw simple guidelines for the outline of the nose
Similarly, the wings of nose and nostrils are also symmetrical. Taking the center of the circle as the axis, draw left-right symmetrical auxiliary lines to determine the approximate position, size and shape of the nose wings and nostrils.

Step 3. Shade around the ball and the bridge
Shading an image turns a flat drawing into a deep drawing. Try to think of the end of the nose as a sphere, the light source comes from above, so the top receives the most light, and the bottom also receives less light, so the highlights are on the top and the shadows are mainly on the bottom.

Step 4. Draw the wings and nostrils of the nose
Using the bridge of the nose as an axis, let's connect all the lines together, then make them unify and add the nostrils. Shade the nostrils, remembering not to shade some raised areas of the nose so you can make some highlighting later.

Step 5. Shape and contour the nose
This step is very important, we need to use the shadow to shape the nose and the outline of the bridge of the nose. You can shade the middle of the circle to make it look flatter. Use the eraser to dab any areas or lines that look too dark or you want to highlight. For the most raised areas, such as ridges, nose tip, and nose wings, I used an eraser to remove the graphite until a little white paper was exposed.

Step 6. Blend the shape and finish the details
Next, use the blending stump to gently blend the rough lines and make them softer and smoother. Add some detailed touch-ups and use the kneading eraser to emphasize the highlights again.
Well, that's all for drawing a realistic-looking nose. It's not as hard as you think, is it? At the end of the day, you just have to remember to start with the basic shapes, add position and guidelines, then connect the lines you need. Then start shading from the darkest areas and finish by adding light tones and creating highlights.
It would be fun to fill your sketchbook with noses. The internet is a great guide for nose exercises, including button noses, crooked noses, and other realistic drawings! The more you draw, the easier it will be to draw real people. You'll get better when you practice, I promise! I would like to hear your opinion on the nose drawing tutorial, or do you enjoy this series of step by step drawings, please let me know in the comments section.
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